Numerous people came forward to the POA with information about unusual one-time high water usage spikes for which there was no leak or other explanation. Meters were determined to be working correctly. In many cases, the homeowner was not home for a month or more when the spike occurred, and often the water had been turned off.
The POA asked residents to come forward if they had experienced a similar problem. More than 500 communications were received. Most complained not just of the spike but of poor customer service and lack of willingness to find a solution or explanation.
The POA and residents visited the North Sumter County Utility Dependent District (NSCUDD) meeting in March to present the finding. They were promised by District Staff and the Board that some actions would be taken and new processes developed.
The POA has added this to its watch list for 2023 and will provide updates on progress as it is made.
Villagers disputing unexplained high water usage spikes could face shutoff
See the article in the April 12, 2023, Villages-News.com
POA Urges NSCUDD to Look at Water Usage Spikes
See the article on page 15 of the April 2023 POA Bulletin
At the March 13, 2023, NSCUDD meeting, a couple of the board members stated that Residents who have a water spike problem should first contact the customer service phone number on their bill. If the Residents believe that customer service did not address their problem, then they should contact one or more NSCUDD Board Directors.
Get The Facts: District Utility Meter Reading
See the article on page 1 in the February 23, 2023, DISTRICT Weekly Bulletin.