Daniel Myslakowski frequently attends the meetings of the Sumter County Board of Commissioners and PWAC Board of Supervisors Meetings. He has often spoken to support Resident issues and shown a passion for property owners’ concerns. As a newly elected POA Director, Dan provides valuable information to the POA about the actions of the Sumter County Government and The Villages District Government. Dan became a member of the POA Board of Directors in 2023. Dan and his wife Dee have been residents of The Villages, Lake Deaton, since 2014.
Dan is a Michigan Native. He is retired and has worked as an IT Project Manager at General Motors for over 28 years, and has managed multi-million dollar budgets and projects. Dan is a former elected Macomb County Commissioner that worked tirelessly for the people in Macomb County. Dan also coached several little leagues T-Ball, Soccer, and Hockey Teams, and was an Usher and Eucharistic Minister at his church. Dan currently Plays Softball in The Villages Recreation R3 and Neighborhood N3 Softball Leagues.
Dan and Dee have been Married for 43 years and have 2 sons, Daniel and Ryan. Daniel is a Science Teacher at Belleview High School, and Ryan is a Pharmacist in Tampa, FL. Ryan and his wife are expecting their first child (Olivia) this May, which will make Dan and Dee first-time Grand Parents!