due to hurricane threat
may be rescheduled
The October issue of the POA Bulletin will contain a long article about the referendum for the Independent Fire District.
“The Villages Independent Fire Control and Rescue District Referendum” is on the November election ballot for villagers who vote in Sumter County. The results of this referendum should have little impact on the villagers residing in Lake or Marion County. To help you make an informed decision, your POA has invited The Villages Fire Chief Edmund Cain to present the facts.
Note that: Ambulance service from the Villages Public Safety Department (VPSD) starts October 1, 2022; it provides “better availability of services and better response times,” per the VSPD. At the POA September 20th meeting, Craig Estep (chairperson of the Sumter County Board of Commissioners) confirmed that if the November referendum is defeated, the ambulance service should not be impacted; the primary source for funding will continue to be the Sumter County property taxes. The major concern of the residents, the ambulance service, has been eliminated without establishing an independent fire district. What other fire/rescue service problems remain that justify the establishment of an independent fire district that appears to increase your taxes?
September 29, 2022, • 7 pm
Speaker: The Villages Fire Chief Edmund Cain
Topic: Proposed Independent Fire District
This meeting will NOT be live streamed, but it will be videotaped and should be available the next day on the POA website.
Get an estimate of how much the
new Fire District will cost your specific household!
The district government plans to have tables with laptops at the back of the room so that you can stand in line after the meeting and get your personal “Fire District Assessment Rate” (tax) impact. However, the district government has recently made that capability available online using this link. (Hint: Only enter your last name and name of your street in the search.) We suggest that you get your tax impact information before the meeting.
No questions will be taken from the floor during the meeting.
Based on the turmoil that happened at an earlier large meeting about the Independent Fire District, we will not be taking questions from the floor during this POA special meeting.
The answers to some of your questions may be answered by reading the District Government’s webpage, The Villages Independent Fire Control and Rescue District. In addition, some questions and answers are on page 6 of the September POA Bulletin. Another good source of info is the Proposed Fire District Boundary Map.
If you still have a question, you can send it to us at
Please avoid phone calls.